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Citizens Advisory Board

Sheriff Aden is hosting the February Citizens Advisory Board meeting. The meeting will be Tuesday, February 18th from 1 to 2 pm at our headquarters in the conference and training room. The agenda for the meeting is below. Please email for more information.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.):

  1. Have you or your organizations been using A.I.?
  2. Has it been beneficial?
  3. In what ways could law enforcement agencies safely harness the power of A.I. to serve our community better?
  4. What concerns do you have regarding the use of A.I. in law enforcement?

Community Challenges:

  1. What do you believe is the biggest issue facing law enforcement in our community?
  2. Examples include drug use and overdoses, homelessness, specific violent crimes, traffic enforcement, etc.
  3. Should the Sheriff’s Office focus more intensively on a particular issue?

Online Crime Reporting:

  1. What are your thoughts on citizens having the option to report minor crimes online through a web portal rather than requiring a deputy’s response?
  2. Regardless of how crimes are reported, they would still be investigated.
  3. Do you foresee any negative perceptions about encouraging online reporting?

Professionalism in Law Enforcement:

  1. What does a professional law enforcement agency look like to you?
  2. Do the members of the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office meet your expectations of professionalism?

Strengthening Community Bonds:

  1. What additional steps do you think the Sheriff’s Office could take to strengthen the bond between law enforcement and the community?

Additionally, I welcome you to raise any other topics you feel are important during the meeting.

At the conclusion of our discussion, we will have a small demonstration. Sheriff Aden serves as the Region Chair for Florida Task Force operations in response to natural disasters. Florida is divided into seven regions, and as the chair for our region, a team of Okaloosa County Deputies is deployed to assist local sheriff’s departments in coordinating law enforcement responsibilities during disaster response. We’ll share how we’ve used taxpayer funds to enhance our capabilities to assist fellow Floridians in times of need and outline our plans for future improvements.


Sheriff Aden is hosting the December Citizens Advisory Board Meeting. The meeting will be Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 11:30am to 12:30 pm at our headquarters in the conference and training room. The agenda for the meeting is below. Please email for more information.

Major Shannon Tait, Investigations Bureau

Major Mike Howell, Operations Bureau

Major David Allen, Administration Bureau

Each Major to provide updates on big news topics (major cases, recruiting, etc.)

Major Tait and Major Howell discuss Launch of Real Time Crime Center

-How we are leveraging technology to enhance our efficiency and effective response to threats within Okaloosa County

-Need to establish relationships with public entities and seek to expand partnerships with local municipalities, business owners, houses of worship, Homeowners associations, etc.

-would like to ask CAB as community leaders to assist us in building these relationships.

Major Allen discuss with CAB ideas on how to better transition agency members close to retirement with possible retirement planning, job opportunities, etc.   

Sheriff Aden is hosting the December Citizens Advisory Board Meeting. The meeting will be Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 at our headquarters in the conference and training room. The agenda for the meeting is below. Please email for more information.

CAB Meeting

Thursday, December 2nd 2021 @ 4 p.m.


Meet OCSO Command Staff

Highlights from Dr. Fleischer’s hot topics

Current and 2022 goals

Questions and Answers