for immediate release
October 1, 2003

N E W S   R E L E A S E

The Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office arrested a man after an investigation that started approximately a month ago. William Miller Barrow. Jr., age 52 (05-01-51), of 6584 Old River Road, Baker, was arrested yesterday (Tuesday evening). Barrow is charged with three counts of lewd or lascivious molestation, two counts of sexual battery, and two counts of unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.

Two males came forward reporting that the offenses occurred between the ages of six and seventeen. Barrow is currently being held in the Okaloosa County Jail awaiting bond on $75,000. The case remains under investigation.

The Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office is asking for public assistance in the investigation. Any additional victims or witnesses should contact Investigator Ralph Garrett at (850) 609-2000.


for more information contact Catherine Dokey, Community Relations Coordinator

(850) 651-7153