for immediate release
May 24, 2004

N E W S   R E L E A S E

As the busy summer season gets underway, Okaloosa County Sheriff Charlie Morris offers some motoring advice:

*Allow extra travel time. Many traffic delays are unpredictable.

*Make sure travel plans provide sufficient rest for anybody who might need to drive. Fatigued driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving.

*Always be alert for emergency vehicles. If an emergency vehicle is stopped by the side of the road, Florida Law requires motorists to move out of the lane closest to the emergency vehicle... if that's not possible, you must slow to 20 MPH less than the speed limit.

*It's fact: Seat Belts Save Lives. Make sure every passenger is buckled in.

Okaloosa Deputies are always alert for impaired drivers, aggressive drivers, speeders, and other threats to safety on the roads of Okaloosa County... especially during the "Click it or Ticket" campaign in progress until June 6.

Citizens may immediately report serious violations by calling *SO, *FHP, or *DUI from a cellular telephone, or by calling the 24-hour communications center of the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office at 651-7400 or 689-5705.


for more information contact Sgt. Rick Hord, Public Information Officer

(850) 651-7420